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Halloween Part 4: Trick-or-Treat Night!

Welcome back to The Chatterbox blog. This will be my final Halloween post for 2011. Next year, I plan to go all out for my little trick or treaters and I’ll explain why…

This year, I recycled my Elvis costume since I had never worn it for the kids in my neighborhood. This was sewn by my Mother in Law and she did an excellent job on it. The kids responded very well. Not only did I have the costume, but I was playing some classic EP music to compliment things. I had a couple of kids come up and ask for a Hunka Hunka candy and then said “Thank you… thank you very muuch.” Very cool. Most of the parents were walking along the road, but I had several come over and let me know how much they were looking forward to coming to our house. At that point, all of the frustrations I had with the season had been forgotten. I ended up emptying all of my candy this year which is good for me because it’ll be less for me to eat :D.

Zoe had a great time with her Bullseye costume for about 20 minutes. It’ll make for a great picture once I put my Lotso costume back on and pose with her.

My cat, Sinatra even got in on the fun. Zoe didn’t care much for him in costume. She got very upset. Here’s how the argument went down…

Zoe: Kee kee can’t wear that!
Me: Why not?
Zoe: Because Kee Kee not a king!
Me: Why can’t Kee Kee be a king?
Zoe: Because he too little!
Me: But Simba was a king as a baby.
Zoe: …
Me: Your argument is invalid!
Zoe: (walks over and rips the costume off Sinatra) Don’t put it on him again!

End of argument

Zoe said she wanted to scare me, and I told her no. She kept arguing with me and so I told her “Well don’t put on that mask because that is toooooo scary and I’ll have a nightmare. So on went the mask. This is why I love having little ones in the house for Halloween. It makes everything so much fun!

In closing, I’m going to ramp up the decorations for next year (more home made ones) and really put on a display for the neighborhood kids. Kids grow up so fast these days, so if I can make them forget about cell phones, mp3 players, facebooks, etc. then I think I’ve done a huge service for them. The more they are encouraged to use their imaginations, the better! We had a lot of family out this year, so it was also great! The more, the merrier is always my thought! I think next year, I’m going to put some of them to work to advertise this blog a little better. Not a bad idea :D. Be sure to leave me a comment, subscribe to my blog, and/or follow me on twitter @Chatterbox4REAL. I’ll be back in the upcoming weeks with LOADS and LOADS of Christmas postings, so stay tuned.

Save Room 4 Love,

Brad (The Chatterbox)